Uncover the ways Tourkia CHIHI (the company) bills you and cancel your NHA CCMA STUDY GUIDE APP subscription.
Note before cancelling:
1. This app is a combination of sets, containing practice questions, study cards, terms & concepts for self learning & exam preparation on the topic of NHA CCMA.
2. This application is not dedicated for a specific professional certification, it's just a tool to assist students & professionals to expand their knowledge & in-depth their expertise.
3. This application allows you to expand your knowledge, widen your expertise, improve your practice skills, Broaden your academic & career horizons.
4. -The Flashcards wording enhances easy understanding to ensure higher exam score.
5. This app is also suitable for students, researchers, resident, doctors, Anatomy & physiology specialists, nurses and medical professionals and of course Medical lecturers, teachers and professors.