cancel Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW)

How to Cancel Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) | Save $38.70

Published by Cousins Maine Lobster LLC on 2024-07-25

Uncover the ways Cousins Maine Lobster LLC (the company) bills you and cancel your Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) subscription.

Is It Hard to Cancel Your Subscription?


Guide to Canceling Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) 👇

A few things to note and do before cancelling:

  1. The developer of Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) is Cousins Maine Lobster LLC and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Cousins Maine Lobster LLC to know if they support self-serve subscription cancellation:
  3. Cancelling a subscription during a free trial may result in losing a free trial account.
  4. You must always cancel a subscription at least 24 hours before the trial period ends.

How easy is it to cancel Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW)?

It is Very Easy to Cancel a Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) subscription. (**Crowdsourced from Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) and AppCutter users)

Potential Savings 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
One-time savings $38.70


How to Cancel Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) Subscription on iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open Settings » ~Your name~ » and click "Subscriptions".
  2. Click the Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) (subscription) you want to review.
  3. Click Cancel.

How to Cancel Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) Subscription on Android Device:

  1. Open your Google Play Store app.
  2. Click on Menu » "Subscriptions".
  3. Tap on Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) (subscription you wish to cancel)
  4. Click "Cancel Subscription".

Cancel direct on Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) website 🌐

  1. Reach out to Cousins Maine Lobster LLC

  2. If the company has an app they developed in the Appstore, you can try contacting Cousins Maine Lobster LLC (the app developer) for help through the details of the app.

Cancel Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) from Paypal: 💳

  1. Login to .
  2. Click "Settings" » "Payments".
  3. Next, click on "Manage Automatic Payments" in the Automatic Payments dashboard.
  4. You'll see a list of merchants you've subscribed to. Click on "Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW)" or "Cousins Maine Lobster LLC" to cancel.

How to delete Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) account:

  1. Contact Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW) Support directly

  2. Send an email to Click to email requesting that they delete your account.

Have a Problem with Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW)? Report Issue

About Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW)?

1. At Cousins Maine Lobster we bring authentic Maine Lobster to unique neighborhoods across the U.S. and internationally, by way of our food trucks and our brick & mortar restaurants.

2. Be the first to get the latest news and receive custom offers just for using the Cousins Maine Lobster app and being part of our family.

3. We stay close to the source, proudly serving only wild-caught, sustainably harvested, premium lobster from Maine, accompanied by our signature Downeast Maine hospitality.

4. The new Cousins Maine Lobster app is a simple and convenient way to earn your loyalty points.

5. We're making Maine Lobster more convenient than ever! Order ahead, pay directly on your phone, avoid the wait, and pick up at the counter.

6. Earn points for every order and redeem them for free food and drinks.

7. Food as unique as the place it comes from, and authentic as people that harvest it.

8. Submit your feedback and let us know how we're doing.

Get Alternatives to Cousins Maine Lobster (NEW):