cancel desertcart

Cancel desertcart Subscription & Save $38.00/mth

Published by Desert Cart Trading FZE on 2025-02-14

Uncover the ways Desert Cart Trading FZE (the company) bills you and cancel your desertcart subscription.

Is It Hard to Cancel Your Subscription?


🚨 Guide to Canceling desertcart 👇

Note before cancelling:

  1. How easy is it to cancel desertcart? It is Very Easy to Cancel a desertcart subscription.
  2. The developer of desertcart is Desert Cart Trading FZE and all inquiries go to them.
  3. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Desert Cart Trading FZE to know if they support self-serve subscription cancellation:
  4. Always cancel subscription 24 hours before it ends.

Your Potential Savings 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
One-time savings $96.16
Monthly savings $38.00


🌐 Cancel directly via desertcart

  1. 🌍 Contact desertcart Support

  2. Mail desertcart requesting that they cancel your account:
    1. E-Mail:
  3. Login to your desertcart account.
  4. In the menu section, look for any of these: "Billing", "Subscription", "Payment", "Manage account", "Settings".
  5. Click the link, then follow the prompts to cancel your subscription.

End desertcart subscription on iPhone/iPad:

  1. Goto Settings » ~Your name~ » "Subscriptions".
  2. Click desertcart (subscription) » Cancel

Cancel subscription on Android:

  1. Goto Google PlayStore » Menu » "Subscriptions"
  2. Click on desertcart
  3. Click "Cancel Subscription".

💳 Cancel desertcart on Paypal:

  1. Goto .
  2. Click "Settings" » "Payments" » "Manage Automatic Payments" (in Automatic Payments dashboard).
  3. You'll see a list of merchants you've subscribed to.
  4. Click on "desertcart" or "Desert Cart Trading FZE" to cancel.

Have a Problem with desertcart? Report Issue

Reviews & Common Issues: 6 Comments

4.4 out of 5


1 year ago

please cancel memership immediately

By Hadiza saleh Abdullahi

1 year ago

My bank account has been intruded by desertcat personnel without my permission and 799SR has been debited from my account

By Alex

2 years ago

Absolutely horrible experience with customer service and desert cart. They pre-added PRO into my cart on the website, and I had unknowingly accepted to pay 700 AED for it. When I requested that I had not know about this option and that desertcart return the money to me, they refused. This is definitely a violation of my consumer rights, and what an absolute scam of a business if they are forcibly making customers pay for something that THEY NEVER AGREED TO. And let's say even if I were aware of this, why wouldn't they give me the option to choose monthly or annually? An absolute scam of a business. This is not how you run a company successfully.

By Renju Mol

2 years ago

Hi. I want to cancel annual pre membership. And I want fefund

By O’neil evans

3 years ago

Good morning ! I would like to cancel my renew desertcart thank you for your collaboration

By Glauber Robson Alves

4 years ago

Yes! I would like to cancel my renew (it will gonna expired on 11/02/21. Please let me know: gbashaykr@redacted

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