cancel Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets

How to Cancel Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets | Save $1.10

Published by Vivid Seats on 2024-10-16

Uncover the ways Vivid Seats (the company) bills you and cancel your Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets subscription.

Is It Hard to Cancel Your Subscription?


Guide to Canceling Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets 👇

A few things to note and do before cancelling:

  1. The developer of Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets is Vivid Seats and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Vivid Seats to know if they support self-serve subscription cancellation:
  3. Cancelling a subscription during a free trial may result in losing a free trial account.
  4. You must always cancel a subscription at least 24 hours before the trial period ends.

How easy is it to cancel Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets?

It is Very Easy to Cancel a Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets subscription. (**Crowdsourced from Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets and AppCutter users)

Potential Savings 💸

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Duration Amount (USD)
One-time savings $1.10


How to Cancel Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets Subscription on iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open Settings » ~Your name~ » and click "Subscriptions".
  2. Click the Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets (subscription) you want to review.
  3. Click Cancel.

How to Cancel Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets Subscription on Android Device:

  1. Open your Google Play Store app.
  2. Click on Menu » "Subscriptions".
  3. Tap on Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets (subscription you wish to cancel)
  4. Click "Cancel Subscription".

Cancel direct on Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets website 🌐

  1. Reach out to Vivid Seats

  2. Visit Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets website: Click to visit .

  3. Login to your account.
  4. In the menu section, look for any of the following: "Billing", "Subscription", "Payment", "Manage account", "Settings".
  5. Click the link, then follow the prompts to cancel your subscription.

Cancel Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets from Paypal: 💳

  1. Login to .
  2. Click "Settings" » "Payments".
  3. Next, click on "Manage Automatic Payments" in the Automatic Payments dashboard.
  4. You'll see a list of merchants you've subscribed to. Click on "Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets" or "Vivid Seats" to cancel.

How to delete Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets account:

  1. Contact Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets Support directly

  2. Send an email to Click to email requesting that they delete your account.

Have a Problem with Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets? Report Issue

Reviews & Common Issues: 2 Comments

4.7 out of 5

By Allen Samuel Couture

2 years ago

I have bought tickets to the rays baseball game for september 4 and I have no way to get them ,so I will not be able to go to the game. whe n I called for help I was told my phone was to old and could not get the tickets

By Alexis Lawson

2 years ago

I accidentally purchased tickets to the wrong event. How do I cancel the tickets and get a refund?

About Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets?

1. Whether you’re in need of seats to must-see games and sporting events, the hottest sold out concerts, or star-studded Broadway shows, you can quickly and easily search the Vivid Seats marketplace to find great tickets for any live event nationwide.

2. Looking for the best way to buy and sell mobile tickets? Conveniently buy and sell tickets to top sports, concert, and theater events with the FREE Vivid Seats mobile app.

3. Vivid Seats Rewards: Buying tickets from Vivid Seats will get you to more events.

4. Find your seats with the mobile ticket app of the largest independent ticket marketplace, Vivid Seats.

5. Vivid Seats - Empowering every fan to get to the live events that shape their most vivid moments and memories.

6. Going to more events with Vivid Seats gets you to more events.

7. Vivid Seats customers enjoy a 100% Buyer Guarantee and in-house order support available daily by phone.

8. • Vivid Seats Rewards: Earn toward a reward credit with every ticket purchase.

9. • Easy Search: Easy-to-use filters for price, section, row, quantity, ticket type and date range make it simple to find your perfect tickets.

10. • Choice: Search for event tickets across the entire marketplace, containing unique inventory you won’t find anywhere else.

11. • Live events near you: Get recommendations or discover concerts, games, and shows in your area.

12. • Seat View: Get an idea of the view from your section for all major sporting events.

13. • Favorites: Add your "Favorite" events by tapping on the star directly on the event page or searching for your performer.

14. • Last minute tickets: Buy tickets for NBA, NFL, MLB, NCAA, and NHL games, right up until game time.

Get Alternatives to Vivid Seats | Buy Tickets: