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Note before cancelling:
1. * With dynamic rules for Chanukah, Purim, Hallel, Rosh Chodesh, Proper Torah Reading, Erev Rosh Hashana, Sefirah, Tachanun, Fast Days, Days of Repentance, Chol Hamoed, Erev Shabbos, Erev Yom Kippur, Motzai Shabbos, Yom Kippur Katan, Bahab & dozens of additional dynamic changes.
2. * The Smart Siddur can look like the Printed Siddur - but in smart mode all the you see is what you need to! All time bound insertions show up in blue so you wont miss them.
3. Now being Joined by the Long Awaited Kest Family Edition Sefard Smart Siddur.
4. For a generation, the ArtScroll Siddur has been the unchallenged Siddur of choice across the English-speaking world.
5. Customize the Siddur with your personal settings, that control how you want to use it.