Uncover the ways Protected.net Group Limited (the company) bills you and cancel your TotalAV subscription.
Note before cancelling:
**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by AppCutter.com users..
Plan | Savings (USD) |
TotalAV Monthly Subscription | $7.99 |
TotalAV VPN | $4.99 |
Total AV | $7.99 |
Total AV Monthly 2 | $7.99 |
TotalAV Monthly 4 | $7.99 |
TotalAV 1 Year Subscription | $53.99 |
TotalAV WebShield Monthly | $7.99 |
TotalAV Premium Features
- WebShield
- Private Connection VPN
Price: $29.99/year
Note: TotalAV Free Features are available for all users, while TotalAV Premium Features require a subscription with a yearly fee of $29.99. The subscription is automatically renewed unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. The subscription can be managed through the user's iOS device settings.
By Roger Leclerc
5 months agoplease cancel my total av when renewal time NOVEMBER 03 2024 TKS
By johnrichardruth
By Helen Griffin
8 months agoYou have entered my private account (Visa) and charged me 119.00 for Total AV I did not request it. How did you get my e mail acct. The RCMP officers who live nearby are rather curious or should I say interested. REMOVE the charge or I will do it my way.
By Helen Longfellow
9 months agoI want to cancel my subscription I have tried several different options but none work please cancel my subscription thank you
By ken gregory
10 months agoI was fed up with the way you took payments, it was any time. I asked the bank to cancel DD. because you just kept taking money out of my account, after I cancelled the payments YOU THEN TOOK IT OFF MY PAYPALL with out my approval, but you still keep taking money out. This is the third time I have cancelled payment. You have all the numbers could you
By Roman
10 months agoPlease cancel service and send money back to master card
By Robert K Craig
11 months agoPlease refund the duplicate payments I made today.
By Barbara A Morrison
11 months agoI ordered 1 plan and was charged for 4 plans. 7CB 90614RT3816437
By Richard John Fairbrother
1 year agoI cancelled my security system as the price is too much for a 76 year old with few programmes. I then received a message that i was no longer covered and was at risk. You have subsequently on the 10th march taken £149 from my account. Please refund the £149 immediately.
By John Ernest Corbett
1 year agoIt would seem I have last year inadvertently subscribed to two Totalav products which we have now been billed for a further year at a total cost of $179.00 and $119.00 Firstly, I do not remember authorizing automatic annul billing, and secondly unless you have something considerably cheaper, I can no longer continue with this level of service. Please delete auto billing and if there is an option that will cover my requirements then I am happy to consider, providing I am consulted annually.
By George Garner
1 year agoCharged £149 on debit card (ending 880) on 26/01/24. I wish to cancel this debit charge from now on.
By Denise Claude CHERIER
1 year agoToo hard to manage. Only want to cancel direct debit but find it impossible to do
By Barry Larking
1 year agoI am having trouble canceling my subscription.I am also old and not very good with computer,so would you please cancel it ASAP. And confirm by email. Thank you
By Aila Simpson
1 year agoI want to cancel my TotalAV account, but dont know how to!!!
By Colleen Harrisson
1 year agoI have clicked on every option & still cannot cancel my subscription. I have no code number & don't know where I purchased the program. It is currently on my iphone & have had no luck there. I also tried to install the program on my tablet, but all I got was an attempt to purchase a new account. Help, please.
By Bob Bradley
1 year agoI'm trying to cancel my renewal. Your site is trying to send a verification code but it is not received. Have tried more than once and its not in junk or deleted. The email is correct
By barry sanders
1 year agoi wish to cancel my totalav membership including the £39 stopped thankyou barry sanders
By Daniel Trowbridge
1 year agoplease stop ad on hy acc . do not have total av at this time keep getting ad to redo ma acc also ad to stop ads can m=not find a unsub
By Keith Phillip Eglon
1 year agoBilled amount incorrect 1 x £29.00 3x £39.00 CANCEL these transactions !
By Karleen
1 year agoI want to cancel this subscription as of today.!
By wendy bailey-Hill
By Andrew Thomas Francey
1 year agoPlease delete my account and refund anything due - Andrew Francey
By hugh gorvett
1 year agocannot download i am reverted back to google search page
By Albert M Goff
1 year agoI see that I was just billed $159.00 for Total AV. Apparently this is automatic each year. The credit card declined it this time and contacted us. I want our name and credit card removed from your renew list. Albert M Goff credit card ended in 9668. Please terminate this automatic renewal. Thank you Albert M Goff
By miki cortsen thomassen
1 year agoi want to cancel my buying from last night. its dosnt work or anything.this is a scam!!!!!!! i want my refund asap!!!
By Emily Kartal
1 year agoI want to cancel my subscription!!! How the hell am I supposed to do that from the app??? You can’t!! Bloody daylight robbery cancel it now!!
By Alan Wightman
1 year agoHello,I have been with Total AV,for several years,happy that all was secure on my devices.But in view of the current increase in the cost of living,I would like to seek an alternative, free security for my mobile phone and tablet.So I with respect ask to cancel my subscription to Total AV, effective as soon as possible please. Alan.
By Patricia Williams
1 year agoi would like to cancel my subscription at this time,living in a secure center now and havrre no need for it, was to renew on July 14th Need to cancel.
By Larry Ouellette
1 year agowas offered a price of 2.99 per month but i am being billed 6.99 what's the deal ?
By Sean Harris
1 year agoThe problem is I don’t want this service, cancel this and credit the money back to my account, I did not approve this
By John Reginald Cooper
1 year agoI had no idea I had subscribed to this service - I am not happy with this payment John Cooper
By Arthur
1 year agomade numerous attempts to cancel subscriptions to services through emails and customer service live chat. Still charging me. The only way to stop totalav from billing is to either report to the bank about the unauthorized transactions and provide them with the chat history recorded/ emails of the cancellation or get a credit card replacement that has a completely different credit card number.
By John johnson
1 year agoI recently purchased your product and hit download button and was billed for my order. I have no app on my tablet nor any evidence that your program has any effect on my tablet. I do not understand why I would want a service that is useless. I would like a refund on what I paid and your useless service removed.
By margaret swadling
1 year agotrying to can cel my 1 year contract. paid on a special deal on my card.£19.99 one year from april 7 th 2023. refund not required. thank you. tried phoning as not too good with internet.
By aileen suzui
1 year agoI was charged $119.0 by total AV and did not renew subscription. I wish to cancel and remove my account and this charge was not approved by credit card bank
By Shirley Smith
1 year agoMy account has cancelled. You have taken £119.00 from my account and I do not wish to renew so will you please refund me the money immediately.
1 year agoCancel all you adds sent to me soonest THANK YOU
By diana rollins
1 year agoi want to cancel my subscription to total av
By DONALD Goveia
By Mrs Jane E How
1 year agoI am unable to access my account because it will not allow me to amend the password or email address.
By John Clancy
1 year agoHave been getting a monthly payment deducted and have no idea what it relates to. Have no setting on my phone or computer. Please cancel ASAP
By andy sigouin
1 year agoi did not authorise this payment of 169.00 dollars please cancel my subscriptions and refund me my refund
By Jean Bunker
1 year agoPlease just cancel my account that I do not recall ever signing.
By Curtis Scott
1 year agoit's not letting cancel my subscriptions
By margaret stone
2 years agoi do not have totalav on my computer as this was cancelled a long time ago would you please see this is cancelled and refund my £149 which you have taken out of my account i am 87 years old and can do without this thanking you m stone
By Earl D. Riley
2 years agoPlease cancel my Total AV account immediately. Please correspond by email.
By Jamie Schneider
2 years agoI have been being charged for total at and all I did was download the free app and then decided it was. It for me. So I deleted it because it was. Or foe me. But now I see I have been charges 9.95 a month since December 2022. This is deceptive practices. I would really like a phone number to talk to someone about this
By joe felli
2 years agocancel free antiverus.totlav.
By Darryl Hodges
2 years agoplease cancel this account i signed up for one month, one month only
By Carol Anne Bates
2 years agoI cancelled the Totalav account a couple of months ago. I cancelled it with customer support in an email, plus I went to their website to cancel. I instructed paypal to stop any payments to them. Now I keep getting emails as to why they can't get a payment and it's as if I did nothing at all. What is wrong with this company? First they let me think it's 9.99 for a year and turns out it's 9.99 a month? Why so hard to get rid of them?
By conrad binyon
2 years agocancell account please and confirm such.
By Etton Bassaragh
2 years agoThe company Total Av renewed my subscription without my consent and took £118 from my account I don't want their service
By Pat Fuge
3 years agoI'm having a problem of trying to close a ridiculous subscription for TotalAV! I'm getting quite annoyed.
By rita finnis
3 years agorefund please £118.80 taken oct 2021
By Francis Johnston
3 years agoPlease cancel my account. I have not requested this
By Nabil Salmo
3 years agoThey say they'll notify me before renewal and taking money. But what happened was they charged me $ 119 this year (12/30/2021) without my consent about renewal or not. How could they charge $ 119.00 without notifying me? Cancel the renewal and refund the money charged. I do not want your services anymore. Cancel my account TOTALLY.
By Deborah Kozel
3 years agoCancel my total adv account and quit charging me 8.99 a month. Refund money
By Brian K Reed
3 years agoPlease cancel my free subscription
By christine norman
3 years agoI would like to cancel my account from you i would you to send me back the money you a have taken out it was £142.80 , i am very upset that you have taken it out as i havnt got in touch with you i only get a state pension and that not a lot so with you taken that money out as made me a lot short so please will you put the money back in to my account i would be very greatfull from christine norman
By Robert Montgomery
3 years agoPlease cancel my accouny
By joann crawford
3 years agoI want to cancel TotalAv and remove billing of $99.99 PLEASE AND THANK YOU
By Antony Bentley
3 years agoI was charged £142? For a subscription I do not want and please cancel
By Charles LEE
By Connie Radde
3 years agoI canceled TOTALAV months ago, but every time I turn on my computer I get a large black block in the lower right-hand corner of my screen saying "Total AV Protection Expired" and a green bar that says "Activate Now." Please do whatever it takes to get rid of this intrusion. Thank you.
By Nick Gipson
3 years agoplease refund me the 99.00 you took out of my account with not evening notifying me. i would like a refund and cancel my subscription. i do not want to continue my services with you #2696909
By Mary Girardin
3 years agoGive me a refind it keeps pulling money out my account without notifying me different ammounts withing 1 month. Cancel my account an give me a refund.
By John Scully
3 years agoI had antivirus with Total AV and I cancelled it. They weren't pleased. Now have placed Total Ad block on my site and its a terrible nuisance. I did not ask for it and I'm not paying for it. I would be grateful to anyone who would help me with this. I'm in my eighties and not able for this sort of thing. Thank you very much.
By Diane Dombek
3 years agoI did not want nor need to enroll again to Total AV. Please refund my Antivirus Pro from my credit card. Also, please take me off of auto subscribe. I had no idea I was on it. I went online to cancel the auto but was unable to do it. If you need additional information, please let me know. Thank you, Diane Dombek Customer ID
By Michael Greenan
3 years agoI don't know what totalav is so don't take any more money out of my account
By Rees Selvey
3 years agoStop taking money from my account
By Luz Stella Duarte
3 years agoPlease cancel the renewal and refund the money charged on my bank account for $ 41,99 on June 25/2021 At this time July 07/2021, they haven't refund my money.
By Karen G Williams
3 years agoThis fee was taken out of my account without my permission......please refund the 99.00 .....you have caused a fee to my account because there wasn't enough to cover the fee...please refund the amount to the account you took it from
By Barbara
3 years agoStop taking my money I'm 60 and on a fixed income
By Jennifer Ace
3 years agoI want a refund .
By April Stucker
3 years agoI already done this to cancel the account and it didn't get canceled I need to cancel it now please
By Blagoja Gorgioski
3 years agoHow could you charge A $ 119.00 without notifying me? Stop charging me AU $119.00 and cancel my account. Refund all as it has never been used and do not need whatever you are selling. Please cancel the renewal and refund the money charged. Please confirm by email that it has been canceled.
By Linda Packer
3 years agoThey were taking 2.99 now this month was 8.99 I don't want this cancel,my account and refund my card. Linda packer
By Pauline Decaire
3 years agoI want to cancel this account
By ruth crump
3 years agoPlease cancel the fee you are taking every month. I didn't give you permission to do this each month.
By Kathy A Farris
3 years agoRefusing to cancel, want step after step, after each one is complete😡
By William Toth
3 years agoPlease cancel my account permanently I got TotalAV 4/17/2021 not satisfied Thank You
By Daniel (Dan) Spelbring
3 years agoDo not need this service with Windows 10. Did not consciously order the service and wish it terminated and the charge deleted from Dillards Card.
By Rosella Mathis
3 years agoI haven't had totalav on my phone since Mar.3 2021. I think u owe me for 3 months.$ 8.99 × 3= $24.97
By Eugene Trush
3 years agoCant login please cancel and stop billing me$899 every month
By Lynn Britz
3 years agoI am unable to cancel my subscription because I should not have one. I do not have t app but I continue to be billed each month. Please unsubscribe & stop billing me!!!
By WhiteWolf R Simon
3 years agoTo whome it may concern Please Cancel my subscription I can't even change my password So I can't get into my account The App. Has been taken off my phone So please cancel my subscription thank you Sincerely WhiteWolf R Simon
By Michael Skelton
3 years agoHorrible software. Please refund my money , I believe the total is 79 dollars . I uploaded the software after I paid for it . It Keeps telling my trial period expired even after I logged in. Keep getting " To Many Redirect errors " When I try to go to their website .
By Terri Allen
3 years agoPlease cancel the subscription and refund my money from January 16,2021 for $99.00 and also the charges for March 15,2021 for $148.00. I did not order your product and never charge me again.
By Chris Joseph
3 years agoPlease cancel the renewal
By Allan Young
3 years agoStop charging me $8.99 and cancel my account. Refund all as it has never been used and do not need whatever you are selling. Please confirm by email that it has been canceled.
By Dang Khoa Nguyen
3 years agoPlease cancel & refund payment recently taken from my account 8.99 usd
By Margaret Holowachuk
3 years agoI do not want this I canceled it please refund thls to my visa
By Kelvin Davis
3 years agoPlease cancel the renewal and refund the money charged.
By Linda King
3 years agoPlease refund 9 67€ taken from my account under reference 0018443466837. I do not want your services PLEASE CONFIRM REFUND
By Linda King
3 years agoPlease cancel & refund payment recently taken from my account Linda Diane King
By Joezetta Mckee
3 years agoI have never used your app. I do not have my old phone or iCloud or email since November 2020, wth. Contact me !!! I hav Ed s as. Identity theft claim and fraud claim active.. how can u do this....
By Evelyn Schillaci
4 years agoPlease cancel. I wish not to have Anymore. Do not charge me again
By Roy Adams
4 years agoOn the 13th February( my birthday) A sum of £46.80 was taken out of my account and I have sent a request , requesting a Refund and nothing has happened. Please let me have my money back? Regards Roy Adams
By Peter Dohrn
4 years agoI’ve followed the process to cancel totalAV, but they continue to bill me, locking up my credit card when it’s denied, I went to totalAV website and opened a chat with them. I told them to cancel immediately and they spent the whole time, trying to get me to reconsider. They did not help me. They kept wanting to know why there service didn’t work for me and what could they do to make it better. I kept saying, over and over, cancel it. Once again I went to there cancel total av site and went through the process. Be careful of totalAV!
1. Why not sign up today and claim your free TotalAV protection check-up, it’s quick and easy! We will check your device and identify any protection concerns present along with assessing your devices overall security.
2. Our iOS app for iPhone & iPad helps to keep you safe from cybersecurity threats through website filtering and VPN, as well as anti-fraud and theft services such as data breach alerts and device location tracker.
3. By signing up to a premium account you will be able to activate your subscription and enable our powerful features.
4. Accounts will be charged for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period, at the same price.
5. Renewal of your annual TotalAV subscription is automatic.