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1. Most easiest Wordbook Ever - Intuitive UI - Study Languages, Glossaries - Any Languages, English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Korean etc - Multi book support(individual settings for each book, Push Alarm, TTS, Search Engines etc) 2. Most easiest ways to import data - Words, Glossaries can be grouped - Import data directly from Excel, Google Spreadsheet, Polaris Office etc(Just select cells and paste them) - Import data from Quizlet data - Export data and share your friends and co-workers - Picture can be attached 3. Support online dictionaries and search engines - online dictionaries and search engines are one-touch away - further study can be possible 4. diverse user-settings and user-friendly settings - online dictionaries by each book - comfortable dark mode, quiz-modes, push alarm at time user sets - TTS support over 137 languages — App comparison — * Number of books - Simply Paste Flashcards M Pro : unlimited - Simply Paste Flashcards M : 3 * Number of words in one book - Simply Paste Flashcards M Pro : unlimited - Simply Paste Flashcards M : 200.