We have made it super easy to delete eSign: Digital Signature Maker account and/or app.
Table of Contents:
Things to note before removing eSign:
1: Visit the eSign website directly Here →
2: Contact eSign Support/ Customer Service:
3: Check eSign's Terms/Privacy channels below for their data-deletion Email:
Deleting from Smartphone 📱
1. eSign: Digital Signature Maker is a handy tool created for signing important documents, including PDFs and other file types.
2. With eSign: Digital Signature Maker, your personal data is safely stored on your device, ensuring privacy and security.
3. You can effortlessly pull documents from your file storage or photo gallery, and even scan them before applying your signature.
4. It's incredibly simple—just type your initials, and the AI instantly generates a ready-to-use signature, saving you time and effort.
5. Whether you use the built-in editor or design your own signature, the app makes the process quick and easy.
6. Additionally, the app includes a cutting-edge feature powered by artificial intelligence to create electronic signatures.
7. • Generate an electronic signature instantly using AI.