InFont-Text on Photos & Videos

How to Delete InFont-Text on Photos & Videos. save (37.92 MB)

Published by Linn Nielsen

We have made it super easy to delete InFont-Text on Photos & Videos account and/or app.

Guide to Delete InFont-Text on Photos & Videos 👇

Things to note before removing InFont-Text on Photos & Videos:

  1. The developer of InFont-Text on Photos & Videos is Linn Nielsen and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Linn Nielsen to know if they support self-serve account deletion:
  3. The GDPR gives EU and UK residents a "right to erasure" meaning that you can request app developers like Linn Nielsen to delete all your data it holds. Linn Nielsen must comply within 1 month.
  4. The CCPA lets American residents request that Linn Nielsen deletes your data or risk incurring a fine (upto $7,500 dollars).

Data InFont-Text on Photos & Videos Collected from You 🔏
  1. Data Not Linked to You: The following data may be collected but it is not linked to your identity:
    • User Content
    • Usage Data
    • Diagnostics


↪️ Steps to delete InFont-Text on Photos & Videos account:

1: Visit the InFont-Text on Photos & Videos website directly Here →

2:   Contact InFont-Text on Photos & Videos Support/ Customer Service:

  1. Verified email  

  2. 43.64% Contact Match
  3. Support channel
  4. Vist Terms/Privacy

3: Check InFont-Text on Photos & Videos's Terms/Privacy channels below for their data-deletion Email:

Deleting from Smartphone 📱

Delete on iPhone:

  1. On your homescreen, Tap and hold InFont-Text on Photos & Videos until it starts shaking.
  2. Once it starts to shake, you'll see an X Mark at the top of the app icon.
  3. Click on that X to delete the InFont-Text on Photos & Videos app.

Delete on Android:

  1. Open your GooglePlay app and goto the menu.
  2. Click "My Apps and Games" » then "Installed".
  3. Choose InFont-Text on Photos & Videos, » then click "Uninstall".

Have a Problem with InFont-Text on Photos & Videos? Report Issue

🎌 About InFont-Text on Photos & Videos

Add fun fonts and artworks to your photos & videos instantly with InFont, and magically turns your words into amazing photo text designs to make your Instagram stories shine. With InFont you can: - Create personal quotes - Event posters - Sale & advertising fliers - Share your story - Caption your photos - Inspire your followers Top Features for you: - More than 100+ cool fonts to inspire your creation - Trimming the length of video and area selection - Support for 9:16 full screen, 1:1 squre size - Adjust the size, color, texture, spacing, kerning, alignment, 3D and shadows to perfect your design - Filters and intensity adjustment supported - Support for canvas guides and adsorption Terms of use: http://gpmedia. ufile. ucloud. com. cn/infont%2Ftermsofuse.

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