
How to Delete PP体育-足球篮球格斗. save (281.67 MB)

Published by 苏宁体育

We have made it super easy to delete PP体育-足球篮球格斗 account and/or app.

Guide to Delete PP体育-足球篮球格斗 👇

Things to note before removing PP体育-足球篮球格斗:

  1. The developer of PP体育-足球篮球格斗 is 苏宁体育 and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of 苏宁体育 to know if they support self-serve account deletion:
  3. The GDPR gives EU and UK residents a "right to erasure" meaning that you can request app developers like 苏宁体育 to delete all your data it holds. 苏宁体育 must comply within 1 month.
  4. The CCPA lets American residents request that 苏宁体育 deletes your data or risk incurring a fine (upto $7,500 dollars).


↪️ Steps to delete PP体育-足球篮球格斗 account:

1: Visit the PP体育-足球篮球格斗 website directly Here →

2:   Contact PP体育-足球篮球格斗 Support/ Customer Service:

  1. 17.02% Contact Match

3: Check PP体育-足球篮球格斗's Terms/Privacy channels below for their data-deletion Email:

Deleting from Smartphone 📱

Delete on iPhone:

  1. On your homescreen, Tap and hold PP体育-足球篮球格斗 until it starts shaking.
  2. Once it starts to shake, you'll see an X Mark at the top of the app icon.
  3. Click on that X to delete the PP体育-足球篮球格斗 app.

Delete on Android:

  1. Open your GooglePlay app and goto the menu.
  2. Click "My Apps and Games" » then "Installed".
  3. Choose PP体育-足球篮球格斗, » then click "Uninstall".

Have a Problem with PP体育-足球篮球格斗? Report Issue

🎌 About PP体育-足球篮球格斗

PP体育是中国最早开始通过互联网直播体育赛事的平台之一。作为中国新一代互联网综合体育媒体平台,曾拥有中国之队、中超、英超、亚冠、法甲、意甲、欧冠、欧联以及WWE、UFC等超50项重量级国内国际体育赛事版权,形成了以赛事版权为核心的体育内容矩阵,成为大量垂直体育用户观看、聊赛的互动媒体平台。 PP体育致力于打造服务全体球迷的互联网体育平台,在业务创新式推出垂直化独立体育APP,通过强化交互、创造更丰富、更全面的体育内容实现了7×24小时全时段资讯服务。2016年OTT播放平台上线,成功实现了体育内容的全屏互动体育。并围绕体育赛事周边,推出《足球解说大会》、《环顾亚平宁》、《中超零距离》、《德甲肖电影》、《中国足球大有希望》等一系列自制节目。 未来,PP体育将依托赛事运营专业性,探索多产业跨界互联,构建全场景用户服务生态,服务版权上游,做大平台中游,拓展产品下游。聚焦泛体育内容兴趣社区、内容电商2大业务板块,持续以领先行业的体育IP运营能力服务泛体育用户、品牌用户,带来领先行业的体育赛事、泛体育内容资讯,打造有态度的体育健康平台,让爱过足瘾! 【连续包月会员套餐说明】 -- 订购周期:1个月(连续包月产品)。 -- 订阅价格:英超、意甲、德甲、法甲连续包月产品为33元,UFC连续包月产品18元,WWE连续包月产品24元,最终以iAP申请信息为准。 -- 付款:用户确认购买并付款后记入iTunes账户。 -- 取消续订:如需取消续订,请在当前订阅周期到期前24小时以前,手动在iTunes/Apple ID 设置管理中关闭自动续费功能。 -- 续订:苹果iTunes账户会在到期前24小时内扣费,扣费成功后订阅周期顺延一个订阅周期。 -- 自动续费协议:https://isports. suning. com/vipnew/#/sa -- 会员服务协议:https://isports. suning. com/vipnew/#/nsp -- 隐私协议:http://ppsports. suning.

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