Signature Hits

How to Delete Signature Hits. save (22.55 MB)

Published by Magzter Inc.

We have made it super easy to delete Signature Hits account and/or app.

Guide to Delete Signature Hits 👇

Things to note before removing Signature Hits:

  1. The developer of Signature Hits is Magzter Inc. and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Magzter Inc. to know if they support self-serve account deletion:
  3. The GDPR gives EU and UK residents a "right to erasure" meaning that you can request app developers like Magzter Inc. to delete all your data it holds. Magzter Inc. must comply within 1 month.
  4. The CCPA lets American residents request that Magzter Inc. deletes your data or risk incurring a fine (upto $7,500 dollars).


↪️ Steps to delete Signature Hits account:

1: Visit the Signature Hits website directly Here →

2:   Contact Signature Hits Support/ Customer Service:

  1. 64.29% Contact Match

3: Check Signature Hits's Terms/Privacy channels below for their data-deletion Email:

Deleting from Smartphone 📱

Delete on iPhone:

  1. On your homescreen, Tap and hold Signature Hits until it starts shaking.
  2. Once it starts to shake, you'll see an X Mark at the top of the app icon.
  3. Click on that X to delete the Signature Hits app.

Delete on Android:

  1. Open your GooglePlay app and goto the menu.
  2. Click "My Apps and Games" » then "Installed".
  3. Choose Signature Hits, » then click "Uninstall".

Have a Problem with Signature Hits? Report Issue

🎌 About Signature Hits

1. Signature Hits Magazine will provide you the necessary tools needed to succeed in whatever path you choose; and show you the lifestyle that you can obtain after you achieve success.

2. Our intent is to show that through hard work and dedication, along with proper research in a given industry, you can choose the right path, love your career and indulge in a fulfilling lifestyle.

3. Our primary focus is to provide guidance to young goal orientated professionals that are trying to create their own path, as well as those that are trying to create a mark through paths created by others.

4. Signature Hits Magazine, the staple platform for the young professional, career minded, entrepreneurial spirited individuals.

5. The path to success is unique to each individual and to create a lifestyle around it involves passion in a field that you truly enjoy and love.

6. Driven by stunning visuals and enlightening profiles of the most adored taste-makers, entrepreneurs, celebrities and athletes; including Jason Derulo, Fabolous, Adrienne Bailon, Siggy Flicker and more.

7. Many people choose career paths for the wrong reasons which are primarily for money.

8. This is Signature Hits.

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