Turbo Magazine

How to Delete Turbo Magazine. save (22.22 MB)

Published by Magzter Inc.

We have made it super easy to delete Turbo Magazine account and/or app.

Guide to Delete Turbo Magazine 👇

Things to note before removing Turbo Magazine:

  1. The developer of Turbo Magazine is Magzter Inc. and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of Magzter Inc. to know if they support self-serve account deletion:
  3. The GDPR gives EU and UK residents a "right to erasure" meaning that you can request app developers like Magzter Inc. to delete all your data it holds. Magzter Inc. must comply within 1 month.
  4. The CCPA lets American residents request that Magzter Inc. deletes your data or risk incurring a fine (upto $7,500 dollars).


↪️ Steps to delete Turbo Magazine account:

1: Visit the Turbo Magazine website directly Here →

2:   Contact Turbo Magazine Support/ Customer Service:

  1. 52.63% Contact Match

  2. 66.67% Contact Match

3: Check Turbo Magazine's Terms/Privacy channels below for their data-deletion Email:

Deleting from Smartphone 📱

Delete on iPhone:

  1. On your homescreen, Tap and hold Turbo Magazine until it starts shaking.
  2. Once it starts to shake, you'll see an X Mark at the top of the app icon.
  3. Click on that X to delete the Turbo Magazine app.

Delete on Android:

  1. Open your GooglePlay app and goto the menu.
  2. Click "My Apps and Games" » then "Installed".
  3. Choose Turbo Magazine, » then click "Uninstall".

Have a Problem with Turbo Magazine? Report Issue

🎌 About Turbo Magazine

1. Your iTunes account will automatically be charged at the same price for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current period unless you change your subscription preferences in your account settings.

2. Para tal, contamos com uma equipa especializada no tratamento da informação e na realização de testes, ensaios e comparativos sobre os automóveis da atualidade, dos mais utilitários aos carros de sonho.

3. A Revista Turbo é a publicação automóvel mensal mais antiga de Portugal, publicada desde 1981.

4. Your subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period.

5. A Revista Turbo foi também pioneira nas novas plataformas.

6. Foi a primeira revista automóvel a estar nas novas plataformas.

7. A Turbo está hoje presente em todas as novas plataformas.

8. No cancellation of the current subscription is allowed during active subscription period.

9. A nossa missão é Informar com rigor sobre o produto, mercado e desporto automóvel.

10. You can manage your subscriptions through your account settings after purchase on your device.

11. Durante o seu 30º aniversário deu passos importantes, entre eles uma profunda reformulação gráfica.

12. Magazine Subscriptions are available for purchase inside this app.

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