PC Magazine's Tech@Home

How to Delete PC Magazine's Tech@Home. save (25.70 MB)

Published by Magzter Inc.

We have made it super easy to delete PC Magazine's Tech@Home account and/or app.

Guide to Delete PC Magazine's Tech@Home 👇

Things to note before removing PC Magazine's Tech@Home:

  1. The developer of PC Magazine's Tech@Home is Magzter Inc. and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. The GDPR gives EU and UK residents a "right to erasure" meaning that you can request app developers like Magzter Inc. to delete all your data it holds. Magzter Inc. must comply within 1 month.
  3. The CCPA lets American residents request that Magzter Inc. deletes your data or risk incurring a fine (upto $7,500 dollars).


↪️ Steps to delete PC Magazine's Tech@Home account:

1: Visit the PC Magazine's Tech@Home website directly Here →

2:   Contact PC Magazine's Tech@Home Support/ Customer Service:

  1. 29.63% Contact Match

Deleting from Smartphone 📱

Delete on iPhone:

  1. On your homescreen, Tap and hold PC Magazine's Tech@Home until it starts shaking.
  2. Once it starts to shake, you'll see an X Mark at the top of the app icon.
  3. Click on that X to delete the PC Magazine's Tech@Home app.

Delete on Android:

  1. Open your GooglePlay app and goto the menu.
  2. Click "My Apps and Games" » then "Installed".
  3. Choose PC Magazine's Tech@Home, » then click "Uninstall".

Have a Problem with PC Magazine's Tech@Home? Report Issue

🎌 About PC Magazine's Tech@Home

1. Tech@Home is a special issue published quarterly that focuses on how these gadgets can be used, the latest gadgets on the market, tips and tricks, how to's, competitions and giveaways and so much more.

2. Gadgets are becoming a part of our everyday life and like the mobile phone (one of the first gadgets) we are starting to get addicted, depending on them for our daily actions.

3. As technology advances, so do these gadgets that we are fond of and we are amazed by the new concepts created by young and ambitious designers.

4. Tech@Home is all about the use of technology, gadgets and gizmos in a home environment.

5. This quarterly magazine, published by PC Magazine, revolves around the use of technology in our day to day lives.

6. These innovations appear from a necessity of solving the problems that old products have and besides new and improved functions, they also come with a beautiful design.

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