cancel Hair Alone

How to Cancel Hair Alone


Uncover the ways MSSHOP TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (the company) bills you and cancel your Hair Alone subscription.

Is It Hard to Cancel Your Subscription?


Guide to Canceling Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover 👇

A few things to note and do before cancelling:

  1. The developer of Hair Alone is MSSHOP TECHNOLOGIES, INC. and all inquiries must go to them.
  2. Check the Terms of Services and/or Privacy policy of MSSHOP TECHNOLOGIES, INC. to know if they support self-serve subscription cancellation:
  3. Cancelling a subscription during a free trial may result in losing a free trial account.
  4. You must always cancel a subscription at least 24 hours before the trial period ends.

Subscription Costs (USD) 💰

- Free trial available

- Monthly subscription: $1.99

- Yearly subscription: $9.99

- One-time forever plan: $24.99


How to Cancel Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover Subscription on iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open Settings » ~Your name~ » and click "Subscriptions".
  2. Click the Hair Alone (subscription) you want to review.
  3. Click Cancel.

How to Cancel Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover Subscription on Android Device:

  1. Open your Google Play Store app.
  2. Click on Menu » "Subscriptions".
  3. Tap on Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover (subscription you wish to cancel)
  4. Click "Cancel Subscription".

Cancel direct on Hair Alone website 🌐


  2. Visit Hair Alone website: Click to visit .

  3. Login to your account.
  4. In the menu section, look for any of the following: "Billing", "Subscription", "Payment", "Manage account", "Settings".
  5. Click the link, then follow the prompts to cancel your subscription.

Cancel Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover from Paypal: 💳

  1. Login to .
  2. Click "Settings" » "Payments".
  3. Next, click on "Manage Automatic Payments" in the Automatic Payments dashboard.
  4. You'll see a list of merchants you've subscribed to. Click on "Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover" or "MSSHOP TECHNOLOGIES, INC." to cancel.

How to delete Hair Alone account:

  1. Reach out directly to Hair Alone.

  2. Send an email to Click to email requesting that they delete your account.

Have a Problem with Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover? Report Issue

About Hair Alone: Hairstyle Makeover?

1. Every day there is something new for you…healthy product ideas, the latest hairstyle trends, celebrity inspo, helpful hair advice, plus thoughtful & funny words of advice.

2. Based on your photo and Hair Profile, we then help you choose a new hair color and dispense personalized styling & care advice that matches the characteristics of your hair.

3. -Virtual hair makeover, featuring a hair color try-on that uses real dye colors to adjust your uploaded photo, as well as playful celebrity hairstyle wigs.

4. -A special hair blog that features everything from celebrity hair news to hair trends, new product releases & healthy hair care advice.

5. -Analysis will also reveal all of your unique facial characteristics including: skin tone, hair color, eye color, the shape of your eyes, eyebrow size, the shape & width of your nose, and the width & height of your mouth.

6. -Daily personalized tips & hair care advice, based on our analysis of your hair & your completed Hair Profile.

7. -One of the largest collections of healthy hair products, curated to avoid the controversial chemicals that many of us try to stay away from: silicones, sulfates, parabens & phthalates.

8. -Using facial recognition technology, we will analyze your face and hair & give you detailed hairstyle recommendations and guidance.

9. Free Trial to Happy Hair! Our app has been in the app store successfully for over a year changing the way woman decide to wear their hair.

10. -Monitors & records how your hair responds to the weather, the products you use, and all the things you do to it.

11. -We surveyed top celebrities from around the globe to find out what hair trends are currently HOT and what is on its way out.

12. -Money saving hair salon discounts, which follow you to your current location.

13. -Healthy hair product recommendations, all tailored to your needs.

14. It all starts with our Hair Analysis, the only one of its kind in the App Store.

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